W naszej ofercie znajdą
Państwo szkło float: od 2 do 15 mm, szkło laminowane (VSG), szkło hartowane, emaliowane, barwione w masie, ornamentowe, kominkowe, termoizolacyjne, lacobele i lustra.
Szyby zespolone.

Wykonujemy fazowanie, szlifowanie, wiercenie wszelkich otworów i wycięć pod zawiasy, uchwyty i gniazdka elektyczne.

Relizujemy według zamówień szyby na balustrady, panele kuchenne, drzwi szklane, przegrody szklane, kabiny prysznicowe i inne gotowe wyroby szklane wykorzystywane w budownictwie.

+48 32 264 68 83
Aquariums, terrariums, vivariums
In 2022, as part of the merger with Aquaris International, we will continue to produce many types of glass containers such as aquariums, terrariums and vivariums. We achieve the highest quality of products thanks to specialized glass processing equipment and high-class specialists who have been working in this industry for many years.
Our offer includes, among others: aquariums, terrariums and vivariums. For production, we use float glass, opti-white glass and others at the customer's request.
We also fulfill individual orders according to customer needs.
The quality of our products has already been appreciated by many of our foreign and domestic customers.
Contact: Mariusz Dudek 0048 502 836 829
E-mail: transglassbiuro@gmail.com
